Village of Spring Valley Wisconsin

Zoning map

Spring Valley zoning map

Zoning map updates:

  • Various properties Westland Meadows Business Park rezoned residential per TID 2 allowance
  •  181-01013-0300 Meyers/Lugar proposed Lot 2 rezoned to Ag (December 2020)
  • 181-01049-0300, 181-01053-1000, 181-01053-0900 Emmaus Church (being sold) Institutional to R-1 Residential (August 2022)
  • 181-01201-0600 Jacob Proue Institutional to Ag (December 2023)


As required by the State of Wisconsin, the Village of Spring Valley maintains a list of persons who submit a request to receive notice of any proposed zoning action that affects the allowable use of the person’s property.

If any committee completes action on any zoning proposal, and the Village Board is prepared to vote on the zoning ordinance, the Village Board shall send a notice, which contains a copy or summary of the proposed zoning ordinance, to each person on the list whose property, the allowable use of which, may be affected by the zoning ordinance.  The notice shall be by mail or in any reasonable form that is agreed to.  The Village Board may charge each person on the list who receives a notice by first class mail a fee that does not exceed the approximate cost of providing the notice to the person.  An ordinance may take effect even if the Village fails to send the notice. (Wisconsin Statues Section 61.35 and 62.23(7)(d)(4).)

To request to be added to the notification list please contact the Village of Spring Valley Clerk by phone, email or U.S. Mail as follows:

Luann Emerson

Village of Spring Valley

P.O. Box 276  E121 South 2nd St.

Spring Valley, WI 54767

Phone: 715 778-5635 ext 4
