Village of Spring Valley Wisconsin

Public Works


Spring Valley Public Works

Steven Kirby, Public Works Supervisor

Forest Rohr, Public Works Assistant

Jamie Reitz, Part Time Assistant

S407 Newman Avenue, Spring Valley, WI 54767


**This contact information is for emergency reporting.  If you need a longer time to discuss a PW problem, please call the Village Office to schedule an appointment**

CCR 2022 report

For rate information please see Utilities/Utility Information

Driveway permit


Sewer base rate was increased from $96.00/quarter to $115.00 per quarter effective with your March 31, 2023 billing.  Annualized, this is a $76.00/year increase on a 5/8″ line.  Please see Utilities/Utility Information for current rates on all lines.

Have your utility bill emailed direct each quarter:  Authorization to email utility bill


Construction Updates…

Van Buren Road Project is estimated to begin July 15, 2024 – with a projected completion date of October 31, 2024.